We celebrated his B-Day with peanut butter dipped bones from Just Dogs Gourmet. haha
I really hope I dont turn into that creepy dog lady...or does that only work with cats?
either way.
I try not to be creepy with my love of Waldo. Though I do talk to him alot and he keeps me company during the day.
Oh and he likes to cuddle and watch Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, and Ugly Betty. He's been neutered so he doesnt mind if I force him to do girly things.
Really I just want to post alot of pics of him for people to ooo and ahh over. j/k not really.
ok really.
Above is one of our many photo shoots....notice the pink bed...ha.
He has done a few manly things like chasing deer and opposums out of the yard. I think he wants to be a hunting dog...he's kinda cammo colored. hmm
To the right is Waldo looking VERY serious after knocking his hedgehog around....he's a killer
Glad I got to show off some of my boo's pictures....ooo one last picture.....
this is of Waldo after his bath.....he wasnt amused and was so cold!