A rambling of a girl starting out in the world....fun times.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Searching for myself

So I've come to the conclusion that most if not all people my age have NO idea what they want out of their career or life....If they think they do, I am convinced that they are liars! Well this is just what I tell myself so I feel better about being so confused with life. For some reason I thought things would be different. I thought that some kind of wisdom would be bestowed upon me by now. My parents lead me to believe that I could do anything in the world that I wanted to do if I worked hard enough and that a college degree would be the magic key that would open any door I wanted. Is it my parents fault that I am having so much trouble finding my place (which unfortunatley our society defines by our jobs) in the world? No. I think it all comes down to supply and demand. When we have more qualified people applying for the higher paying jobs then the price (the level of education needed to get a job) increases.
I'm exhausted from constantly worrying about being an adult.
I'll leave you with an article about the quarter-life crisis.http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Careers/story?id=688240&page=1