A rambling of a girl starting out in the world....fun times.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Where did the seeds go???

You can tell alot about a person by their starbucks order. I get picked alot to run and get our office's starbucks coffee and I hate it. I've come to hate starbucks people. The people who order the non fat, no whip triple grande whatsit with half a pump of sugar free syrup, extra hot kill me. unfortunately i get the duty of having a list full of crazy picky coffee orders. I mean really, order a regular coffee or drink a coke to get your caffeine...OR get your own damn coffee BEFORE you get to work. there's an idea. But hey what's the fun of going to Med school...or chiropractic school, rather, if you dont get the right to have coffee runners to pick up your coffee? any ways. I always get a regular coffee and add 2 splendas or a non fat misto (reg coffee with steamed skim milk) or today I tried something new an iced 2 splenda reg coffee. Does this mean I'm laid back and easy going? or maybe it's just bc I dont want to use my weightwatchers pts on creamy coffee....or maybe I've just been jaded with the world of coffee. I didnt mean to ramble that long about starbucks.....but starbucks does represent all that is wrong with the world today....oh and so does seedless watermelons. I bought my first seedless watermelon last night. When did we get too lazy to pick out the seeds in our fruit. Sure its still good and its lots easier....but its sad for me to know my kids wont have any memories of sitting on the porch spitting seeds on a hot summer day. I loved it. But I guess every generation has those little things. Like I'm sure my granny has some awesome memories about going to the out house to potty or handwritting letters.....but does that mean I want to pee outside and give up my email? no.

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